Work, Golf and Ranches

Greetings Golfers,

“We either make ourselves miserable, or we make ourselves strong. The amount of work is the same.”

Wise words from Carlos Castaneda. Yeah - that guy. Those of us from the 60s-70s era of mind-expansion and a search for meaning will recognize his name.

Even Castaneda - someone who would be considered on the opposite side of traditional America - knew that the secret to mental health is work. We need to work for what we want.

A new set of golf clubs will not make-up for a lack of work. They can help. But they don’t hit the ball for you … you control the golf club.

I believe Seve Ballesteros learned to play golf with a 3-iron … and on a beach. Chi-Chi Rodriguez has much crazier stories. Think those two had good short games? Think they could hit golf shots? Think they worked hard on their golf games?

We are not machines. We have logic and emotions and feel. Machines do not have hands. Good golfers have good hands. Sure, some people are blessed with good hands. However, we can all improve our feel of the golf club. 

This winter is a great time to develop more feel. Practice hitting shots with one-hand. Full-shots and half-shots. Practice putting and chipping in your house with each hand. 

Do you watch that show “Yellowstone”? Well, last season it was trying to make the point that the boys (including Jimmy) need to earn what they want. It’s not what they want to hear - but it’s what they need to do.

In fact, one of the boys learns “the secret to life” from Rip - the ranch foreman … “You don’t deserve anything”. A few minutes later, the patriarch of the ranch - John - tells the boy the same thing.

It was said out of love and respect. John had told it to Rip when he was an orphan … and Rip knew it was the secret to his success and sanity.

Well, none of us deserve a good golf game. But we can earn it. Just takes work. 

They must have a golf course on the ranch - I’m looking forward to that episode!


Tom Abts
GM/Head PGA Professional


Two Great Guys


Thankful for the Challenge